‘It Changed My Thinking Around, Okay, What Is Really Key?’: Academic Voices of Delivering Intensive Teaching in Higher Education


  • Melissah Thomas College of Arts, Business, Law, Education, and Information, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Amanda Muscat College of Arts, Business, Law, Education, and Information, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Ashleigh Zuccolo College of Arts, Business, Law, Education, and Information, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Carla Luguetti College of Arts, Business, Law, Education, and Information, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Anthony Watt College of Arts, Business, Law, Education, and Information, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia






How to Cite

Thomas , M. ., Muscat , A. ., Zuccolo , A. ., Luguetti , C. ., & Watt , A. . (2024). ‘It Changed My Thinking Around, Okay, What Is Really Key?’: Academic Voices of Delivering Intensive Teaching in Higher Education. Journal of Block and Intensive Learning and Teaching, 2(2), 34. https://doi.org/10.15209/jbilt.1344