About the Journal


The Journal of Block and Intensive Learning and Teaching (JBILT) is a peer-reviewed publication which is currently accepting applications for new reviewers. The Journal is a scholarly and practitioner journal that publishes quality work in the field of block and intensive mode delivery to enhance teaching, advance scholarship, and promote experiential learning. All submissions are subject to a double-blind peer review process. The Journal is an online journal. The Journal of Block and Intensive Learning and Teaching is published twice a year.

The mission of the Journal of Block and Intensive Learning and Teaching is to publish best scholarship and practice in the field of block and intensive learning and teaching.

DISCLAIMER: Ethics and Malpractice
The Journal of Block and Intensive Learning and Teaching (JBILT) makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the content contained in its publications. Facts and opinions in articles published in JBILT are solely the personal statements of respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Journal, the editors, the editorial board or the International Block and Intensive Learning and Teaching Association (IBILTA). Authors are responsible for all content in their article(s) including accuracy of the facts and statements, citation of resources, etc. The Journal of Block and Intensive Learning and Teaching and its Editors disclaim any liability for violations of other parties’ rights, or any damage incurred consequently from use or application of any of the contents of JBILT. The editors consider in good faith that authors have full permission to publish every part of the submitted material(s) including illustrations.
Where appropriate, the submitted article should indicate whether the research has undergone an ethics approval process within the author(s) institution. All research must adhere to the NHMRC National Statement on Ethics and the Australian Association for Research Education Statement of Ethics. Any instances of research malpractice will be considered in relation to these guidelines. Under no circumstances will the Editors encourage misconduct, or knowingly publish papers where misconduct has occurred. Should the Editors be made aware of allegations of misconduct they will take appropriate steps to remove the publication and investigate the allegations in accordance with NHMRC Guidelines – this includes reporting the matter to the institution(s) of the lead author(s) and working with Human Ethics Committee of the relevant institution(s) to investigate the allegation. In accordance with the NHMRC guidelines a minor oversight will be subject to correction and noted as a corrected version. Significant breaches will result in the removal of the paper from the journal record and a retraction notice recoded in lieu.

Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Sample Recommended Citation for Articles Featured in JBILT: APA 7 Style
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume(issue)Pageshttps://doi.org/xxxx

Call for papers

Call for papers for the April 2025 JBILT issue, with a deadline of Feb 7th 2025 for submissions.